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Use pinia-like API in Svelte with Sveltix. • Aug 18, 2023
A few months ago, I was building a video player for my project OpenAnime and it became so big that we wanted to split the player into components to improve readability of the player. That time, player included 1300 lines of code in a single component making it very hard to read and maintain. We first tried to use the built-in svelte stores which is great for basic use cases. However, we wanted to also split the Javascript part of the player and storing them in a directory like players, events and utils. And working with svelte stores in plain javascript was just painful we had nearly 30 object properties to manage in a single store and it was clear that built-in svelte stores wasn't enough.
We needed a library that could work with existing svelte stores to handle reactive changes within the template and we needed another way to use it easily inside our Javascript. So, I created a library called sveltix (yes, the name is inspired from vuex 😏) to do this. Sveltix's API looks too much like Pinia's but currently getter support is not implemented.
A basic usage
import { sveltix } from "sveltix";
const newStore = sveltix({
state: () => ({
value: 1
const useStore = newStore.useStore();
on:click={() => newStore.value++}>count is {$useStore.value}
Working with actions
import { sveltix } from "sveltix";
const newStore = sveltix({
state: () => ({
value: 1,
actions: {
increment() {
const useStore = newStore.useStore();
<button on:click={() => newStore.increment()}>count is {$useStore.value}</button>
Binding components
import { sveltix } from "sveltix";
const newStore = sveltix({
state: () => ({
button: null
//you can't use bind:this={$useStore.button}. Currently this is the only way of binding components 😅
function binder(node, prop) {
newStore[prop] = node
<button use:binder={'button'}>
I hope you enjoyed your stay. The Github repo for this project is here and I appreciate any star you give or your PRs and issues.